Resource LineageResolved Enhancer and Promoter Usage during a Time Course of Embryogenesis James P Reddington13 David A Garfield13 Olga M Sigalova13 Aslihan Karabacak Calviello23 Raquel MarcoFerreres 1Charles Girardot Rebecca R Viales Jacob F Degner1 Uwe Ohler2 and Eileen EM Furlong1 4 1European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL Genome Biology Unit 69117
While the accessibility of enhancers is dynamically regulated during development promoters tend to be constitutively accessible and poised for activation by paused Pol II a gene that acquires paused Pol II over time d Heatmaps showing that the 60 of LolaIbound et al LineageResolved Enhancer and Promoter Usage during a Time
Reddington et al generate tissuespecific maps of chromatin accessibility across a time course of Drosophila embryogenesis They dissect the relationship between enhancerpromoter accessibility and activity and demonstrate the power of this resource to annotate singlecell data and identify regulatory elements predictive sequence features and many regulators in each lineages development
Enhancerpromoter interactions become more instructive in the
Time effects are more pronounced at distal compared with proximal ATAC peaks Fig 3D reflecting both the constitutive accessibility of many promoters and the dynamic usage of enhancers during
An enhancer prediction system in Tribolium based on time and tissuespecific ATACseq and an enhancer live reporter system based on MS2 tagging is established and data is found consistent with a model in which the timing of gene expression during embryonic pattern formation is mediated by a balancing act between enhancers that induce rapid changes in gene expressions and enhancer that
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LineageResolved Enhancer and Promoter Usage during a Time Course of
Lineage Resolved Enhancer And Promoter Usage During A Time
LineageResolved Enhancer and Promoter Usage during a Time Course of
LineageResolved Enhancer and Promoter Usage during a Time Course of
PDF LineageResolved Enhancer and Promoter Usage during a Time Course of
Publications The Furlong Laboratory EMBL
Enhancers are essential drivers of cell states yet the relationship between accessibility regulatory activity and in vivo lineage commitment during embryogenesis remains poorly understood Here we measure chromatin accessibility in isolated neural and mesodermal lineages across a time course of Drosophila embryogenesis Promoters including tissuespecific genes are often constitutively
LineageResolved Enhancer and Promoter Usage during a Time Course of
Lineage Resolved Enhancer And Promoter Usage During A Time
Isolated nuclei from the latter two time points were stained with antibodies for a nuclear marker specific for myoblastmuscle cells Mef2 or et al Lineageresolved enhancer and promoter usage during a time course of embryogenesis Z et al Increased enhancerpromoter interactions during developmental enhancer activation in mammals
Lineageresolved enhancer and promoter usage during a time course of embryogenesis Enhancers are essential drivers of cell states yet the relationship between accessibility regulatory activity and in vivo lineage commitment during embryogenesis remains poorly understood
Reddington et al Lineage resolved enhancer and promoter usage during a timecourse of embryogenesis 3 Figure S3 Related to Figure 1 Comparison of this DHS atlas to sciATAC data and characterised enhancers A Peak calling subsampling analysis showing peak calling is close to saturation the
LolaI is a promoter pioneer factor that establishes de novo Pol II
Enhancers and cisregulation sdbonlineorg
Lineage resolved enhancer and promoter usage during a timecourse of embryogenesis Reddington JP Garfield DA Sigalova O Calviello AK MarcoFerreres R Girardot C Viales RR Degner JF Ohler U Furlong EEM These authors contributed equally to this work Developmental Cell 2020 Dec doi 101016jdevcel202010009 Developmental